Minggu, 22 November 2020


Jarak antara kota


Radikal bebas adalah zat-zat yang berpotensi merusak kekebalan tubuh, seperti asap kendaraan, asap rokok, dan makanan yang terkomtaminasi peptisida. Makanan dan vitamin tertentu dapat nengurangi kersakan sel tubuh. 

Antioksidan berfungsi melindungi sel-sel tubuh dari radikal bebas sehingga tebuh menjadi kuat dan kebal terhadap serangan penyakit berbahaya, seperti kanker, asam urat, tumor, dan sebagainya. 

Bahan pembuat antioksidan berasal dari bahan alam yang diolah melalui proses tertentu sehingga mennghasilkan obat herbal yang diharapkan. ]

                    Beli Sekarang

Sari Daun Sirsak

Suplemen herbal yang dibuat dari ekstrak daun sirsak, dan bermanaat sebagai suplemen pendamping pada penderita kanker. Sari Daun Sirsak secara aman dan efektif menyerang sel kanker secara alami tanpa menimbulkan efek samping dari kemoterapi.

Komposisi :Setiap kapsul mengandung ekstrak Annonae muricatae Folium (daun sirsak) 400 mg, setara dengan 2 g daun sirsak kering.

 Manfaat : Secara tradisional digunakan pada penderita kanker.

Aturan minum : 

  • Untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan: 3 x 1 kapsul sehari.
  • Untuk pengobatan: 3 x 2 kapsul sehari.
  • Diminum setelah makan.
  • Tidak dianjurkan untuk wanita hamil dan menyusui.
  • Penderita darah rendah sebaiknya berkonsultasi dahulu dengan dokter.
  • Tidak dianjurkan untuk diminum bersama dengan obat Co-enzim Q10.

Kemasan : Botol isi 50 kapsul transparan.

 Beli Sekarang

Sari Daun Sirsak (Per Strip)
Suplemen herbal yang dibuat dari ekstrak daun sirsak, dan bermanaat sebagai suplemen pendamping pada penderita kanker. Sari Daun Sirsak secara aman dan efektif menyerang sel kanker secara alami tanpa menimbulkan efek samping dari kemoterapi.

Komposisi : Setiap kapsul mengandung ekstrak Annonae muricatae Folium (daun sirsak) 400 mg, setara dengan 2 g daun sirsak kering.

Manfaat : Secara tradisional digunakan pada penderita kanker. Uji toksisitas subkronik oleh Univ. Sanata Dharma, Yogyakarta menunjukkan SidoMuncul Sari Daun Sirsak aman dikonsumsi jangka panjang, diproses dengan standar GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) pada suhu di bawah 60 °C untuk menjaga kestabilan zat aktif. Sudah dianalisis pada laboratorium yang telah terakreditasi. Terdaftar pada POM TR. 112 325 441

Aturan minum :

  • Untuk pemeliharaan kesehatan: 3 x 1 kapsul sehari.
  • Untuk pengobatan: 3 x 2 kapsul sehari.
  • Diminum setelah makan.
  • Tidak dianjurkan untuk wanita hamil dan menyusui.
  • Penderita darah rendah sebaiknya berkonsultasi dahulu dengan dokter.
  • Tidak dianjurkan untuk diminum bersama dengan obat Co-enzim Q10.

Kemasan : Dus (1 strip isi 12 Kapsul); Berat : 22 gr

Aktioksidan Ekstrak Kulit dan Biji Tomat

                          Beli Sekarang

                           Beli Sekarang 



Senin, 04 Mei 2020

Minuman Kesehatan

Ener-G Anggur - Ener-G Jeruk - Ener-G Jambu - Ener-G Mangga - Ener-G Nanas - Ener-G Kopi - Ener-G Ginseng - Ener-G Soda susu - Ener-G KukuBima - Ener-G Vitamin C - Ener-G Original - Ener-G

Ginseng drink

Ginseng Coffee Bima Nails

KukuBima Coffee Ginseng not only warms and avoids sleepiness, but also can increase stamina and vitality of the body. In addition, it is also good for improving blood circulation and increasing concentration.

Royal Jelly
Benefits: cool drinks enjoyed while relaxing. Increase concentration and stamina.
Weight: 317 gr Beli  --------> BUY (Plan with 10 sachets)


Ginger Drink

Ginger Sidomuncul is made from real grilled ginger, so it produces delicious aroma and taste. The most appropriate drink served warm.

  • Ginger
  • Sucrose
Benefits: A relaxing drink that can warm the body

Packaging: Box of 5 sachets -----> BUY

  Sido Ginger Coffee Appears Low in Sugar 

----->  BUY

Ginger Coffee Sidomuncul GM contains 50% lower sugar so it is safe for consumption by diabetics, people who are on a low sugar diet, or people who are reducing sugar for health reasons. Ginger Sidomuncul RG coffee is delicious to drink in various situations.
Composition: Ground Coffee, Roasted Ginger, Milk

Benefits: A cool drink to enjoy while relaxing. Packaging:
Plan with 10 sachets


Ginger milk  

----->  BUY

Sido Ginger Coffee Appears


Sido Ginger Milk appears made from a blend of the best quality milk with grilled ginger, so it has a thick and distinctive aroma. Very suitable to be enjoyed when the air is cold.

  • Ginger Bakar
  • Gula
  • Creamer
  • Milk powder
Benefits: A relaxing drink that can warm the body
- 1 Renceng (@ contents of 10 sachets)

Ginger coffee is made from selected coffee beans from a blend of high-quality Robusta and Arabica coffee, sugar, thick and savory milk, and real grilled ginger. So as to produce coffee that is delicious, fragrant, and able to warm any atmosphere.

• Robusta Coffee
• Roasted Ginger
• Milk

A cool drink to enjoy while relaxing.

Plan with 10 sachets

----->  BUY

Saffron-colored rice

Kencur rice has been known as one of Indonesia's traditional beverage types that is beneficial for maintaining a healthy body. Can be enjoyed warm or cold.

  • Rice
  • Galangal
  • Ginger
  • Acid
  • Sugar Sugar
Refresh the body and improve blood flow

Packaging: Box of 5 sachets
Drinking Rules: Brew with ± 150 ml of warm or cold water

----->    BUY

Coffee drink

Sido Ginger Coffee Appears Low in Sugar

Ginger Sidomuncul RG coffee contains 50% lower sugar so it is safe for consumption by diabetics, people who are on a low sugar diet, or people who are reducing sugar for health reasons. Ginger Sidomuncul RG coffee is delicious to drink in various situations.

  • Coffee powder
  • Ginger Bakar
  • Milk
Benefits: A cool drink to enjoy while relaxing.
Packaging: Plan with 10 sachets. 

----->  BUY

 Ginseng Coffee Bima Nails

----->  BUY  
KukuBima Coffee Ginseng not only warms and avoids sleepiness, but also can increase stamina and vitality of the body. In addition, it is also good for improving blood circulation and increasing concentration.

Royal Jelly
Benefits: cool drinks enjoyed while relaxing. Increase concentration and stamina.
Weight: 317 gr
Renceng contents 10 sachets

Sido Ginger Coffee Appears

Ginger coffee is made from selected coffee beans from a blend of high-quality Robusta and Arabica coffee, sugar, thick and savory milk, and real grilled ginger. So as to produce coffee that is delicious, fragrant, and able to warm any atmosphere.

• Robusta Coffee
• Roasted Ginger
• Milk

A cool drink to enjoy while relaxing.

Plan with 10 sachets

-----> BELI

Minuman Ready To Drink

Turmeric Acid (6 Bottles)

Turmeric Acid is a traditional Indonesian beverage that is useful for weight loss and smooth menstruation. Turmeric Acid Bottle is hygienic and practical.

  • Turmeric
  • Acid
  • Galangal
  • Ginger
  • Pomegranate
  • Guarana
  • Sugar Sugar
  • Salt
Benefits: Reduces complaints and expedites menstruation

Packaging: Pack contents of 6 bottles

Drinking Rules:
  • Drink regularly and regularly 1 - 2 bottles per day, 3 days before, during and after menstruation
  • It's better to drink cold
  • Not recommended for pregnant women
  • Keep in a cool, dry place, avoiding direct heat and sunlight
  • Shake well before drinking.
 Weight: 1065 gr 

----->  BUY

 Syrup Honey Honey (12 Sachet)

Sido Kembang Honey appears from pure honey which is beneficial for maintaining a healthy body.
Honey |
Benefits: Add delicious food or drinks and maintain a healthy body

Packaging : Box contents of 12 sachets
Drinking Rules : Can be drunk directly or as a complement to herbal medicine
Weight: 340 gr

Kuku Bima ENER-G! RTD Royal Grape

-----> BUY

KukuBima Ener-G! Royal Grape RTD is able to provide additional stamina faster, and refreshing. Made from high quality Royal Grapes with ginseng mixture, so it is good for health. Consumption 30 minutes before starting the activity.

  • Ginseng
  • Royal Grape
  • Royal Jelly
  • Honey
  • Taurine
  • Caffeine
  • Vit B3
  • White B6
  • White B12
Benefits: To help maintain stamina & refresh the body
Packaging: 300 ml bottle contents
Drinking Rules:
• Adults: 1-3 bottles a day
• Maximum drink 3 bottles per day
Weight: 350 gr